Our hıstory
The Hayes (Kent) Lodge was founded in 1944 by Civil Defence Firewatchers during the tumult of WWII. Facing the hardships of long work hours, civil defence duties, and severe air raids, these individuals demonstrated immense faith and courage. The lodge’s consecration was unique, marked by wartime restrictions, and took place at Freemasons Hall, London, with support from the Petts Wood Lodge.
Initially meeting at Bromley Public Library, the lodge moved through various venues, including the Royal Bell Hotel and Masons Hill, before settling at Oakley House in 1979. In 2015, it relocated to the Wrotham Masonic Centre, where it continues to meet four times a year, along with regular lodge instruction sessions. This journey reflects the lodge’s resilience and adaptability through changing times.
Over the decades, the Hayes (Kent) Lodge has grown and thrived, maintaining a proud presence in West Kent. Today, it boasts the highest membership in the West Kent Province, with members hailing from over 13 different countries, making it one of the most diverse lodges in the region. This rich history and vibrant community underscore its honoured place on the roll of West Kent.

Our offıcers
Worshipful Master: WBro Lawrence (Larry) Carroll
I.P.M: WBro Richard Wilson ProvGStB RA
Senior Warden: Bro Kryzsztof Siemaszko
Junior Warden: Bro Mehmet Akduman
Chaplain: WBro Wiktor Molleskog PPSGW RA
Treasurer: WBro Robert Tuthill AGStB, ProvGSwdB (W.Kent), PProvJGW (Surrey) RA
Secretary: W Bro Naz Cesur ProvSGD RA
Director of Ceremonies: WBro Paul Lock PPJGD RA
Almoner: Bro Hakan Sengul RA
Charity Steward: Bro John King PPAGStB
Lodge Mentor: WBro Ed Hunt PProvAGDC
Senior Deacon: Bro David Lock
Junior Deacon: Bro Sonny Hawes
A.D.C: WBro W Watson PProvAGDC RA
Assistant Secretary: WBro Lawrence Taverner PProvAGDC, LGR RA
Inner Guard: Bro Hakan Sengul RA
Tyler: WBro Lesley Sheward
Stewards: Bro G Jordon, Angelo Massonetto, Mike Gray, Kunal Trehan, Lord Arthur Carroll, Frank Carroll, Nav Bhurji, Piotr Pluta, Darren Murray, Cagatay Aksehirli, Keith Cairney
Members of the Lodge
Cem Ekinci, Keith Cairney, Arthur Carroll, Jason Ruth, Geof Jordan, Emlyn Exon, Frank Carroll
Honorary Members Of The Lodge
RWBro Mark Douglas Estaugh, WBro David Scutts, WBro Tony Cundle
1944 WBro H.J.Baker
1945 WBro G.Mashall
1946 WBro J.N.Hollins
1947 WBro A.Beech
1948 WBro C.Jennings
1949 WBro L.D.Emes
1950 WBro H.V.Walker
1951 WBro F.E.Buckley
1952 WBro A.Hollamby
1953 WBro J.Holloway
1954 WBro E.B.Godfrey
1955 WBro H.White
1956 WBro W.S.Drew
1957 WBro V.Creswell
1958 WBro A.Roberts
1959 WBro H.W.Cox
1960 WBro R.Southern
1961 WBro E.Button
1962 Revcan A.K Wright
1963 WBro W.A.Relf
1964 WBro H.K.Christmas
1965 WBro M.W.Cooper
1966 WBro H.H.Ashley
1967 WBro F.W.T.Lake
1968 WBro J.Mcdermott
1969 WBro B.R.Clayton
1970 WBro B.Christmas
1972 WBro L.A.Hewitt
1973 WBro D.F.Wallis
1974 WBro A.E.Harris
1975 WBro K.Southern
1976 WBro D.G.Ridge
1977 WBro J.P.Vane
1978 WBro J.Humphreys
1979 WBro G.T.Prime
1980 WBro P.B.Martin
1981 WBro P.B.Martin
1982 WBro P.O.Gray
1983 WBro J.Mcshee
1984 WBro P.J.F.Ludwig
1985 WBro D.W.Ridge
1986 WBro G.Rich
1987 WBro L.J.Hobson
1988 WBro J.Rich
1989 WBro M.J.Trimming
1990 WBro D.Vallins
1991 WBro S.J.Richards
1992 WBro J.Rich
1993 WBro T.F.Robertson
1994 WBro J.P.Vane
1995 WBro I.R.G.Beech
1996 WBro R.G.Tuthill
1997 WBro J.A.Daly
1998 WBro P.Clarke
2000 WBro R.G.Tuthill
2001 WBro S.J.Richards
2002 WBro I.E.Ponton
2003 WBro W.Molleskog
2004 WBro P.Carter
2005 WBro J Roberts
2006 WBro I.R.G.Beech
2007 WBro S.J.Richards
2008 WBro P.Clarke
2009 WBro W.Molleskog
2010 WBro W.Molleskog
2011 WBro I.Kichenside
2012 WBro P.Lock
2013 WBro N.Cesur
2014 WBro G.Taylor
2015 WBro E.Hunt
2016 WBro E.Hunt
2017 WBro J.A.Daly
2018 WBro A.Ruzzi
2019 WBro D.Ericsson
2020 WBro D.Ericsson
2021 WBro D.Ericsson
2022 WBro E.Kaynak
2023 WBro R.Wilson